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Shoes that won't wear out on the soles when being constantly scuffed on the ground
Casual shoes for indoor and outdoor use, for a man, easy to take on and off because the man is disabled, budget is
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Adidas Samba OG White Black 12
Adidas Samba OG White Black 12


Nike Huarache Run Sneaker White/ Orange/ Gorge Green
Nike Huarache Run Sneaker White/ Orange/ Gorge Green


Skechers Men's Go Walk Evolution Ultra-Impeccable Sneaker
Skechers Men's Go Walk Evolution Ultra-Impeccable Sneaker



Shoes need a strong loop on the back that can be firmly gripped
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Reebok Club C 85 Vintage Shoes 10
Reebok Club C 85 Vintage Shoes 10


Adidas Samba OG White Black 12
Adidas Samba OG White Black 12


Nike Women's Go FlyEase Easy On/Off Shoes in White, Size: 8.5 | DR5540-102
Nike Women's Go FlyEase Easy On/Off Shoes in White, Size: 8.5 | DR5540-102


Shoes made in America
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Reebok Club C 85 Vintage Shoes 10
Reebok Club C 85 Vintage Shoes 10


Adidas Samba OG White Black 12
Adidas Samba OG White Black 12


Nike Women's Go FlyEase Easy On/Off Shoes in White, Size: 8.5 | DR5540-102
Nike Women's Go FlyEase Easy On/Off Shoes in White, Size: 8.5 | DR5540-102


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